for 40 years.
+1 713 542 0520

About Macro Enterprises

Macro provides successful solutions that minimize risk and maximize reward. Using our time-tested “Discover...Design...Develop...Deliver” methodology, we deliver innovative solutions providing measureable value and lasting change.

Why Choose Macro

 Technical Expertise

Macro Enterprises has the expertise you need to bring your vision to reality. Not just technical skills but also the people and team building skills to maximize the productivity of those involved in the project. Over the years we have gathered contacts and relationships that are available to us to make sure that moving target known as "state of the art" is always in focus. Technology is always changing and working with Macro brings years of experience in a variety of coporate environments and technologies into the project.

 Client Satisfaction

Macro is in the creation industry. Our job typically is to come in and create something out of only an idea. The ability to keep repeat business and a quality reputation in a business where every project is a new process that has not existed before requires a level of empathy and skill that is hard to find. Our Clients trust us. The road to creating a new process in a business is not always a smooth one and it is a requirement that a good working relationship is established. This is an intangible and no amount of text on a web page regarding this topic is relevant. Our references will speak for us.


The majority of businesses fail in the first five years. Quite honestly it takes not only profits but a bit of tenacity to keep the doors open. Even more than that it requires that you love and are passionate about the work and product that is produced. Employees at Macro love the challenge of the work we do for Clients. And an important distinction with Macro is that the Client hires Macro, the company not the consultant. Our consultants and associates are continually empowering each other to give the Client the benefit of multiple levels of expertise.


Corporate Alliances

MACRO has carefully cultivated alliances with other technical companies dedicated to providing lasting value to clients.

Microsoft logoBeing a Microsoft Partner affords the benefit of Microsoft's computing expertise, as well as assurances that Macro products will function effectively with Microsoft operating systems and server applications.

TableauSoftware logoTableau Software has finally developed the definitive data management dashboard.  A truly data independent solution that recognizes the fact that your data is not stored in a monolithic structure.  Amazing graphics and drill down features that brings data alive and can provide a dashboard that could eliminate hundreds of reports.  While setup is required, once done, programming and waiting on the IT group can be a thing of the past.